Al Coda Translation

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İstanbul Kadıköy

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Quality control separates us from our competitors. We understand your business. Our global team of expert translators and project managers have deep roots in the translation industry. We respect the nuances of every language and culture that make the content feel authentic when translated, and we answer the demands of the constantly evolving media industry by welcoming unforeseen detours and turning them into opportunities to drive creative solutions. Let us help you produce more content and be your strategic partner in the translation business. Who Are We? Merve Tunç Uzun FOUNDER/TRANSLATOR Merve Tunç Uzun has been working in the Turkish translation industry for the last 10 years, rendering business and technical texts from Turkish, English, Spanish and Portuguese into English/Turkish. She keeps up to date with the latest developments in the translation world by participating in a wide range of online forums, mailing lists, and translation & terminology blogs, and she subscribes to various professional journals, magazines, and newsletters. She is a full-time professional translator and terminologist with over 10 years of experience in Turkish translation. She refers to herself as a ‘translator & terminologist’, but she could just as well call herself a ‘language consultant’, ‘CAT tool consultant’ or ‘linguist’ instead. She translates mainly business, medical and technical texts from Turkish, English, Spanish and Chinese into English/Turkish. She spends most of her time translating audit reports, contracts and product manuals. She is also well-known online as a translation technology nerd and an active member of many mailing lists relating to translation, CAT tools and terminology.
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