Cihan Meriç

Online Speaking Dersi · 2 yıldır üye
Bursa Nilüfer

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I'm Cihan Meriç. I was born in 1998 in Bursa/Turkey. I am currently a fresh graduate English Teacher. My roots go back to Macedonia. My grandparents migrated from Macedonia to Turkey when they were at the age of 10. I was a professional swimmer before i went to highschool. I am very energetic, kind and funny. I'm really into travelling, getting to know new cultures and countries. I love learning new languages as you do. I have lived in Poland for 5 months and that was one of the best experience in my life. I have studied in my hometown which allowed me to work in Language schools while I was a student. It means that I had the chance to practice what I was learning at school. I have almost 3 years of teaching experience. I have worked with students of all ages. I have been tutoring about a year. In my classes, we will be mostly focusing on speaking because thats the most problematic issue in learning a new language as I observe. We will talk about your interests, series and films you have watched and your vocabulary related to your work. Give me a chance and see what happens. I am looking forward to seeing you. We will have so much fun.
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