Forough Shirazi

Farsça Özel Ders · 4 yıldır üye
İzmir Konak

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Hello, My name is Miss. Forough Shirazi. This is my 3rd year of teaching. I was born and raised in Shiraz, The city which is located in the south of Iran. In 2019 I moved to Turkey. I graduated from Islamic Azad University in 2009 with a bachelor's degree in Law. Later I Continued to master's degree in International law. As I always like to learn a foreign language, I studied English and German in Private school since I was 12 years old and also I studied French for 2 years, I worked as an English teacher for Kids, and I am specialist in this field, I can teach to the Adults as well and I have my new method. I look forward to many more years of teaching brilliant students everywhere.
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