Mert Gençtürk

Oyun Geliştirme · 9 aydır üye
İstanbul Maltepe

Müşterilerinin Yorumları

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Güvenlik Kontrolleri

So far, I have developed 4 different games, including horror, puzzle, action rpg and roguelike, using unreal engine 5. Even though I am developing games of all kinds, my main area of expertise is rpg genre games. Although I am not yet at the level of being a senior developer, I think that I can reach the senior level in a short time due to my interest in this field and having fun while working. Since I am having fun while working, I can work hard during the day and finish the work you want me to in a short time.
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5 Oyun Geliştirme Fiyat Teklifi Al