Merve Bozbuga

Çeviri · 8 aydır üye
İstanbul Küçükçekmece

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I was interested in various cultures and history, and I got to know Korea through the media by interacting with Korean culture and history, traditional food, lifestyle, and art. While learning about Korea through personal research, I expanded the Korean way of thinking and the knowledge and perspective of Korean economic growth, and realized the easy and useful strengths and excellence of Korean, so I planned the future in Korea. I gained my Korean proficiency by doing many activities such as Korean club activities, participation in poetry competitions, playing the role of a team assignment leader, translation activities, and part-time jobs. All my experiences for life in other countries, consisting of my strengths of leadership, challenge consciousness, boldness, and empathy, have made me a person who handles things calmly without panicking at any situation.
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