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Online Speaking Dersi · 2 yıldır üye
İstanbul Kadıköy

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I hold IELTS 8.5 and a master's in Translation Studies, and I have been teaching English for over ten years. I teach IELTS techniques, general and business English. I will help you to learn all the techniques and knowledge related to the IELTS exam and how to get your desired score. Students usually get lost in choosing what to study and where to start, however I will introduce you to the appropriate material from a big pool of IELTS resources and provide you with a practical plan to start it and along the way I will support and monitor your progress until you are at the destination. If you are planning on applying for an English-speaking university, work in an international company or just learn English as an international language enabling you to communicate with people from around the world, just count on me and let's start your English learning journey.
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