Miray Demirbaş

Native Speaker Özel Ders · 2 yıldır üye
İstanbul Kadıköy

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Gratuated PATHOLOGY LABORATORY TECHNIQUES from ACIBADEM UNIVERSITY and I am a student now ın Yeditepe University GENETİCS BIOENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 3/5. Besides I work as an editor for our publishing company and doing an ınternatıonal translation for our books. I voluntarily write a scientific articles on the "Bilim Özü" website on a part time basis. I’m in love with science,Forensic medicine, origin of humanity and animals. I‘ve a working certificate for animal experiments and veterinary medicine. I give Turkish science math and English lessons to students up to high school level
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4 Native Speaker Özel Ders Fiyat Teklifi Al