Nsubuga Carl Ian

YDS Özel Ders · 7 aydır üye
Kocaeli İzmit

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Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to master the English language? Look no further! I'm Kendrick Carl Ian a passionate and experienced English teacher, dedicated to helping you achieve your language goals. My Teaching Style: My teaching style is a blend of enthusiasm, patience, and personalized guidance. I believe that effective learning begins with active listening and fostering a comfortable environment. In my classes, you'll find a focus on speaking and listening skills to enhance your conversational fluency. Writing will no longer be a daunting task as I provide step-by-step guidance to help you express your thoughts effectively on paper. IELTS and TOEFL Private Lessons: If your ambition is to ace the IELTS or TOEFL exams, I offer specialized private lessons tailored to your needs. You'll receive expert insights and strategies to maximize your scores. One-on-One Speaking Lessons: For those who desire individualized attention, I provide one-on-one speaking lessons. These sessions are designed to boost your confidence and articulation, making you a fluent English speaker in no time. About Me: I'm a language enthusiast with 6 years of teaching experience. My passion for languages and cultures has led me to teach English, and I genuinely enjoy seeing my students flourish. Together, we'll make your English learning journey an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Join my classes today, and let's unlock the doors to a world of opportunities through English language mastery. Your success is my priority, and together, we'll make it happen! A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 Levels 1 hour lesson is 550 TL price And all the lessons totally are 12 hours + 2 more hours gift.
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