Tarz Production

Katalog Çekimi · 2 yıldır üye
Balıkesir Altıeylül

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I am 20 years old and I cherish my dreams every day of my life, so one day I will leave everything behind knowing how much I enjoyed it, no matter how much it was missing. I am making an inexhaustible effort to support the areas I admire by putting everything I have in my pocket during my digital life and creating decisive and original lines on the work I love. Most importantly, all these steps make me happy. Adhering to the protocols established in my field of work, I want to play an active role in the entire process from the development of the idea of content to its delivery, the warmth of my teammates, even in my work that develops with my hard liking, “I wonder if it can be more beautiful with something I don't know?" the mobili- zation of the question and the pleasure of completion allow me to perform and original work that follows trends at the end of the day. I am especially interested in the fields of Production and Post-production.
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