Uzman Diyetisyen Nevruz Cin

Çocuk Diyetisyeni · 1 yıldır üye
İzmir Karşıyaka

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Güvenlik Kontrolleri

I finished my Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics at Izmir Katip Celebi University. Currently, I'm working on my master's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics at İzmir Demokrasi University. During my Bachelor's, I found out that chronic diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and hypertension prevalence in the world are increasing, and the main reason for this increase is obesity. In recent years Bariatric surgery becoming significant for obesity treatment. Therefore I'm interested in nutritional management in Bariatric Surgery, and I would like to specialize in this area. I keep on learning, and I would like to gain experience to improve myself in my career.
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