Yasin Samet Karaca

Veri Bilimci · 6 aydır üye
Kayseri Melikgazi

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Hi, I am Yasin, I'll be helping you with your Data Science, Data Extraction, Web Scraping and Machine Learning Project. The tools I use : Scrapy, Selenium, BeautifulSoup, Requests, Jupyter Notebook, Python, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Sklearn, TensorFlow. I offer services such as: Data analysis, Data cleaning, Data visualization, Data Science, Machine learning, Deep learning, Time series forecasting. I have worked on several projects and delivered. I'm eager to assist you with your project. Services I offer in this gig: - Web Scraping - Data Extraction - Exploratory Data Analysis - Feature Engineering - Predictive Modelling - Logistic Regression - Time Series Analysis - Supervised Learning - Regression and Classification Tasks - Deep Learning Models (LSTM, ANN, RNN..) Please get in touch with me before placing an order. Why choose me to do your work? - I will ensure that every line of code written, follows best practices - I am punctual and I will make sure you're updated on the work done
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