Yusuf Tiryaki

Masaj · 8 aydır üye
Antalya Konyaaltı

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Kuruluş / İşe Başlama Yılı

Klasik İsveç masajı hizmeti veriyorum. MEB onaylı sertifikam bulunmakta. Kendi me ait masaj yatağı ile Antalya şehir merkezi içindeki yerlere gelebilirim. Rejuvenate and Relax with Certified Massage Therapist! Are you in need of some relaxation and stress relief? Look no further! Our certified massage therapist brings the ultimate spa experience right to your doorstep. With professional certification and a top-quality massage bed, you can enjoy a luxurious and personalized massage in the comfort of your own home. Why Choose Me? • Certified and experienced therapist • High-quality, portable massage bed • Personalized massage techniques tailored to your needs • Convenient in-home service • Relaxation and rejuvenation guaranteed
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