Deniz Berkay Çakmak

Yazılım Geliştirme · 7 aydır üye
İstanbul Adalar

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Güvenlik Kontrolleri

During my university years, I discovered my interest in software development alongside my academic studies, and I began to work on projects that aimed to combine these two disciplines. As a result, my passion for software development grew even stronger, and I dedicated myself to constant improvement in this field. I was later accepted into a software company, where I worked as a frontend developer for two years, contributing to various projects. Additionally, I gained experience in API communication and connections with sensors. Throughout this period, I honed my skills in frontend development, becoming proficient in JavaScript and related technologies. I successfully completed several projects, including both front-end and admin panels, on my own. In my spare time, I continue to enhance my expertise in Node.js and seeking freelance opportunities to further develop my skills. Including both front-end and admin panels, on my own. In my spare time, I continue to enhance my expertise in Node.js and seeking freelance opportunities to further develop my skills.
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