Online İlkokul Özel Ders
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Online İlkokul Özel Ders
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Merhaba, ben Nehir. Lise ogrencisiyim. Ilkokuldan itibaren ozel bir okulda burslu okuyorum. 2021 Haziran'da TOEFL Junior sinavindan 900 tam puan alarak Basari Sertifikasi kazandim. 6 Kasim 2021'de Tunus'ta duzenlenen Afrika'nin en buyuk Bilim Festivali'inde hazirladigimiz tamami Ingilizce olarak sundugumuz proje ile dunya 3.su olduk. Ilkokul ve ortaokul ogrencilerine, cumartesi ve pazar gunleri online (zoom, google meet vb.) Ingilizce dersi veriyorum. . Hey, I'm River. I am a high school student. Since elementary school, I've been studying in a private school with a scholarship. In June 2021, I scored 900 (which is the highest point) on TOEFL Junior Exam and earned the Certificate of Achievement. On 6th November 2021, I attended to Africa's biggest Science Festival that took place in Tunisia and with the project we designed fully in English, we got third place in the whole world. I am giving online (zoom, google meet etc.) English classes for elementary and middle schoolers on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays).
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